FMPAC Conference |
September 13, 2013 |
Welcome Back!
The first meeting for the Florida Migrant Parent Advisory Council (FMPAC) for the 2013-2014 school year took place at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, Florida on September 13 & 14 2013. Elizabeth Galvan welcomed members and called the meeting to order. There were 16 members present. There were two new parent representatives added to the board, Epifania Maya from Suwanee County. Sara Hernandez from Polk County. All members introduced themselves during the icebreaker activity. Agenda and minutes where reviewed and approved.
Presentation: Erick Hernandez Rodriguez from the Mexican Consulate office in Orlando, Florida provided the members with a presentation on all the differ-ent services that the Consu-late office in Orlando offers. Some of these services in-clude: Mexican Passport, Matricula Consu-lar, and Civil Unions. The number to call for more information is Mexitel:1-877-639-4835. The members also joined Erick in the presentation of the Mexican National An-them and the traditional Grito.
Marilyn Ruiz from the Family Network on Disabilities gave a presentation to the mem-bers on Senate Bill 1108: A New Day in Florida. She talked about the five major changes |
Lucia Esquivel from the PAEC Mi-grant Education Program gave a presentation on the Service Delivery Plan. She gave the members infor-mation on how the Service Delivery Plan and the Comprehensive Needs Assessment align with the services provided to mi-grant children and families. Both the Service Delivery Plan and the Comprehensive Needs Assessment align with the regulations set by theOffice of Migrant Educa-tion. We all understood the im-portance of parent participation and the development and implementation of the Migrant Education Program at the state and local level.
Dr. Maria Pouncey, FMPAC Coordi-nator, gave a presentation on Parents' Rights and Responsibilities, the 2nd Chapter from the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF) book. She expressed that all children are under federal law guar-anteed free education if they are of school age. Dr. Pouncey did an activity with the members titled Every Right Comes with Re-sponsibilities.