Florida Migrant Advisory Council Meeting
The second meeting of the Florida Migrant Parent Advisory Council (FMPAC) for the 2015-2016 school year took place at the Rosen Shingle Creek Hotel in Orlando, Florida on February 19 & 20, 2016. Elizabeth Ochoa welcomed members and called the meeting to order. Nine members attended. The agenda and minutes from the previous meeting were approved. The next meeting is schedule on April 8 & 9, 2016.
Pedro Hernandez, Outreach Representative for the Florida Department of Education, presented a workshop on scholarships and financial aid. He discussed key points regarding the FAFSA, scholarships, and private scholarships. He highlighted the importance of filling out the application on time as there are several documents that need to be gathered.
Dr. Maria Pouncey, FMPAC Coordinator, presented on Chapter 10: Developing an Action Plan from MALDEF. She highlighted the key components of an action plan. Members were charged with developing an action plan based on an opportunity for improvement in their districts. Each member will present their action plan at the next meeting.
Elizabeth Ochoa, FMPAC President, presented “Be the Cat that Catches the Rat”. The presentation focused on topics such as social media and cyberbullying. The objective of her workshop was for members to feel secure when their children are using the internet. She talked about various social media outlets and asked them to become familiar with them in order to protect their children.
Isaac Altamirano, PAEC Migrant Technical Assistant, guided members on how to use Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2013. He showed them how this program can be used for preparing presentations. Members were asked to create a five slide presentation. Due to time, members will present their projects in the next meeting.