Florida Migrant Advisory Council Meeting
The third meeting of the Florida Migrant Parent Advisory Council (FMPAC) for the 2021-2022 school year took place on March 25 2022. Dr. Maria Pouncey welcomed members and called the meeting to order; fourteen members and district representatives attended.
Florida Department of Education (FDOE-MEP) Update
Florida Migrant Education Program (MEP)
Lucia Valdivia-Sanchez
Migrant Interstate Program Director
Florida Migrant Education Program
Florida Migrant Education Program (MEP)
Lucia Valdivia-Sanchez
Migrant Interstate Program Director
Florida Migrant Education Program
Lucia Valdivia–Sanchez, Migrant Interstate Program Director, FDOE. Ms. Valdivia–Sanchez provided a presentation to members where she informed members of migratory child count data, which shows a decrease in migratory child count and Priority First Service students. The migratory child count data also shows an increase in Out of School youth students. She also provided 2020-21 Student Assessment Data for members which shows a decrease in instructional services and an increase in math instruction. Ms. Valdivia—Sanchez also informed parents of 2020-21 End of Course Data which shows achievement gaps are relatively stable. A parent feedback survey was provided to parents as well.
FMPAC Update
Dr. Maria Pouncey
Florida Migrant Parent Advisory Council (FMPAC)-Director
Dr. Maria Pouncey, FMPAC Director, explained to parent members the By-laws, duties and the benefits of learning Roberts Laws. She encouraged parents to voice their thoughts and opinions to help migrant parents and children.
Dr. Maria Pouncey
Florida Migrant Parent Advisory Council (FMPAC)-Director
Dr. Maria Pouncey, FMPAC Director, explained to parent members the By-laws, duties and the benefits of learning Roberts Laws. She encouraged parents to voice their thoughts and opinions to help migrant parents and children.
Ideas for Family Engagement
Erica Garcia
Miami—Dade County
Erica Garcia shared with parents a presentation that provided ideas for family engagement. Ms. Garcia also informed parents of the positive effects of parental engagement for students as well as for educators.
Erica Garcia
Miami—Dade County
Erica Garcia shared with parents a presentation that provided ideas for family engagement. Ms. Garcia also informed parents of the positive effects of parental engagement for students as well as for educators.
Computer Training
Emmanuel Cruz
PAEC Technical Assistant
Isaac Altamirano provided a presentation to members on behalf of Emmanuel Cruz. In his presentation he explained to parents how to check emails. He informed parents of phishing emails and how it is designed to trick a person into revealing sensitive information or malicious software.
Emmanuel Cruz
PAEC Technical Assistant
Isaac Altamirano provided a presentation to members on behalf of Emmanuel Cruz. In his presentation he explained to parents how to check emails. He informed parents of phishing emails and how it is designed to trick a person into revealing sensitive information or malicious software.
Strategies for Pre-K
Patricia Correal
Teacher—Hillsborough County
Mrs. Correal provided a presentation to members that demonstrates how parents can help their children be ready for pre—K. Some of the strategies provided included daily routines, establishing rules, study habits, healthy eating habits, table manners amongst many more activities. She also recommended for parents to read daily for at least 10 or 15 minutes.
Patricia Correal
Teacher—Hillsborough County
Mrs. Correal provided a presentation to members that demonstrates how parents can help their children be ready for pre—K. Some of the strategies provided included daily routines, establishing rules, study habits, healthy eating habits, table manners amongst many more activities. She also recommended for parents to read daily for at least 10 or 15 minutes.